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Influencer Exchange simplifies and ensures safer collaboration between influencers and content creators.
Our massive opt-in exchange network removes common obstacles such as audience size, engagement rate, promotional frequency, niche, industry, and trust.
After you register and complete your offer/listing we will manually approve your creator/influencer profile URL and assign you enough credits to buy an endorsement. After that, you can earn additional credits by keeping your listing active and fulfilling requests for endorsements.
200.00 Credits - 5,000.00 Credits
3 days
October 31, 2020
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End date:
dating, love, online dating, romance, women
Still-A-Frog is a free app in the iOS and Android app stores. Post about our app on your social media.
*200 Bonus Credits - Send custom offer with your normal rate plus 200 credits.
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Experience a new modern "fairy-tale" every day. You can listen to stories of online dating encounters that are funny, romantic, wistful or erotic and enjoy them in your car, while you get ready for your next date or just when you feel the desire to escape.
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See attached. Pick your preferred episode or image. You may request another size or image from any of our episodes.
Link image to our website or include url, accepted formats:
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