How It Works

The best way to grow gain followers rapidly is by getting other influencers to promote you. But swapping post for post doesn’t scale because you can only trade with influencers who also want YOU to promote THEM. The Influencer Exchange solves that problem. Instead of swapping posts for posts, you exchange posts for credits, and credits for posts, so you can get ANY influencer to promote you.

Influencer Exchange makes it easy to s4s, post for post, share for share, shoutout for shoutout, guest post for guest post, or whatever you want to call it. Because your getting credits for your posting you are no longer tied to a specific member when doing this type of collaboration. In the past it might be hard enough to find someone desirable to collaborate with who also has a similar follower count.

You create an offer to post on your social media account or website for other members and you receive credits. You can then use those credits and place a request with any other member on the exchange and get promoted by them.

Size no longer matters. Lets say you have a following count on your Instagram of 5K followers but they have 10K followers, as long as you have enough credits they can still post for you. Maybe you need to post twice before you have enough credits but in the end you can have members with much larger following posting for you. Just the same is true in reverse, You have 10K followers but they only have 5K followers, or 1K followers, or 3K followers, you can have one or all of them post for you, you should have more than enough credits, you can save the rest for when you need them.

When you create an offer you say what your willing and not willing to post, you can also refuse a post or ask the member to revise the post if your  having trouble with the content. And before you request a member post you can contact them in advance or if their offer seems to accept your type of content you can just order and in the worst case get refunded if they cannot fulfill for whatever reason.

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